Liniment Information

EagleClaw Hand Strengthening Liniment


Eagle Claw Hand Strengthening Liniment is a traditional formula for training the seizing power of the hands in Eagle Claw Kung Fu and capturing & seizing techniques (Qin Na).

Functions: This unique formulation of herbs in alcohol promotes circulation and dispels stasis, and contains natural ingredients that are used to strengthen the tendons, ligaments, and bones, from elbow to fingertip. Modern day use ranges from farming & bodywork to rock-climbing & grappling.

Directions for Use:

Take a small amount* of the liniment and massage it into the joints of the hands and wrist as well as the tendon attachments of the flexor and extensor muscles of the hands located at the medial and lateral epicodyles of the humerus. The liniment should be applied before and after any activity which stresses the sinews and joints of the hands, wrists and forearms.

*3mL from elbow to finger tips should be sufficient

***External Use Only*** *Do not apply to dry, cracked, or broken skin* ***Like any alcohol product, keep out of reach of children***

The following herbs were decocted for a minimum of three months in:

Blue Label Isopropyl Alcohol + (Glacial Spring) Water 50% alcohol

Silver Label (Alberta Pure) Vodka 40% alcohol

Gold Label (Chinese Famous White Wine) BaiJiu 56% alcohol

土蟞蟲       Tu Bie Chong

膽南星       Dan Nan Xing

青蒿           Qiang Huo

當歸           Dang Gui

血竭           Xue Jie

沒藥           Mo Yao

乳香           Ru Xiang

龍骨           Long Gu

白芷           Bai Zhi

石菖蒲       Shi Chang Pu

紅花           Hong Hua

(螃蟹壳)螃壳     (pang)Xie Ke

防風           Fang Feng

升麻           Sheng Ma 

川芎           Chuan Xiong

川烏           Chuan Wu

桃仁           Tao Ren

桂枝           Gui Zhi

續斷           Xu Duan

Batch #1: 28June2022


  • Do not use if pregnant.

  • This liniment is not for acute trauma – jammed, smashed, or broken fingers, nor ligament strains & sprains. It is a training formula directed towards lessening the likelihood of injury from repetitive use of the hands, and therefore is preventative.

  • If you have had an acute traumatic injury to the hand, see a physician and follow up with traditional Chinese medical treatments if appropriate. These may include the use of other types of liniments and poultices that are specifically for trauma.

  • It’s a good idea to test a small amount on the skin to look for any reaction. If your skin seems to be sensitive, attempt to water a portion down and continue to apply a small amount to different areas of the skin to give time for your body to “read & recognize” the contents. Two things can happen, either your body will adapt and be able to handle stronger concentrations, or it will continually reject the decoction. Use your judgement and exercise caution. If unsure, send an email with questions or concerns.

Benefits the tendon strength of the hands, for those engaged in activities such as:

  • Gardening & farming

  • Grappling & wrestling

  • Rock-Climbing

  • Bodywork (massage)

  • Construction

  • Eagle Claw and Qin Na training

How to apply Liniment:

  • Apply liniment before and after periods of intense hand gripping activities and training.

  • Focus on tendon insertion sites and joints.

  • For best results, use pre-emptively with a scheduled training/conditioning plan.