The Three Brains of Gnosticism

Gnosis: To have Knowledge (“I know”)

Agnosis: The absence of knowledge (“I do not know”)

Gnosticism: While culture and language may produce varying expressions of the truth, whether expressed in arabic, english, math, or whatever preferred mode of communication being used, the truth is the truth and it is known through proof of experience. While the scientific method is commonly used to unveil mysteries of the physical world, Gnosticism offers a method to unveil the mysteries of the spiritual world, which comes through honest self reflection and disciplined practice.

One of the key concepts in Gnosticism is that of The Three Brains. Usually we use the word “brain” for the grey mass that we have in the skull, but in this concept, it simply refers to a processing centre for certain types of activities of consciousness experienced by the body, from basic to advanced.

It is common for a person to have their perceptions dominated by one brain over the others. If a human being is to evolve beyond the animal kingdom, it is imperative to clarify our perceptions by harmonizing these three brains.

Consider, when making small or big life decisions, is it the information being presented, or the sales pitch that influences the decision? Is it the emotional state that “seals the deal?” Is it the sudden recognition that you are fourteen minutes away from the nearest bathroom, but you need to go NOW? Or is it a well thought out choice derived from a deep connection to your values, goals, and intent?

By inner-standing how our three brains work and their influence on our tendencies to listen to one over the other, we can strengthen our ability to identify their perceptive influences more easily, thereby enhancing our decision making ability.

The Intellectual Brain located in the cranium, is in charge of thought, elaboration and communication, association of ideas, and rationalizing. This is the slowest moving centre, as all the impulses must pass through the processes of comparison, memory, concepts, etc.

The Emotional Brain is located in the solar plexus and the heart region. Negative emotions such as worry, fear, resentment, envy etc. clog up the solar plexus area. The heart can also be strongly affected by negative emotions, but it is also capable of experiencing positive and elevated emotions. The emotional brain is faster than the intellectual brain, and for some, so fast that the information presented is bypassed or subconsciously sloughed to the side with a rationalized label of “unimportant.” The emotions however, are important and it would behoove any mortal to listen to these messages with a discerning mind.

The Body Brain involves the functions of instinct, movement, and sexual impulse. Everything from deliberate movement, to “muscle memory”, to unconscious digestive and respiratory function, and all the activities of sex and reproduction are governed by this brain. This body brain is the fastest of all the information processing centres, as sex, instinct and movement can function without any input from the intellect or emotions….which can be simultaneously freeing and dangerous in a complex society. In order to evolve out of the animal kingdom that is rooted in the needs of survival and procreation, we must integrate this brain with the knowledge available from the emotions and intellect. By doing so, this can and will reduce unnecessary heartache, animosity and pain in our civilization….especially if this is taught to youth, and exemplified by adults.

Consciousness, Ego, and Personality

This lecture covers how Consciousness, Personality, and Ego function in the teachings of Gnostic Psychology. When we understand, through experience, the true unconditioned nature of consciousness, we can begin to distinguish it from the conditioning of ego that causes suffering.

Self Practice:

By learning to consciously observe our five centers: intellect, emotions, movement, instinct, and sex, we catch our different egos spontaneously, many whose existence we never suspected in the least before beginning this work. Life, for the experienced gnostic or meditator, is a gymnasium, a means of extracting knowledge about our diverse defects.  When difficulties arise, we must not identify or go with the flow of mechanical reactions, but consciously perceive how each thought, sentiment, and impulse originates from the different “I’s” in our interior.  By learning to see the egos in action, we can learn how to separate from them and perform conscious, intuitive action through comprehension.

“A rectified mind is a mind immune to emotional influences—free from fear, anger, sorrow, anxiety, and even fond attachment—when the mind is not present, we look and do not see; we hear and do not understand; we eat and do not know the taste of what we eat.”

— Bruce Lee

Now that you’ve been introduced to Gnostic Theory, take the next step and learn about Taoist Five Element Theory.