Welcome to EarthHorse Wellness

Acupuncture & Herbals

Massage & Cupping

Personal Training & Corrective Exercise

EarthHorse Services are for those who seek assistance with:

  • Acute Issues that cause stress, discomfort, or pain.

  • Chronic Conditions that impact daily quality of life.

  • General Wellness, Optimal Fitness & Self Care for body and mind.

Are you experiencing any of these?

Neck & Shoulder Tension is a common symptom experienced by desk workers, hairstylists & aestheticians, operating room professionals, and labourers of all sorts. Acupuncture, Cupping, and TuiNa-Massage are effective tools used to offset neck & shoulder tension that result from performing our daily tasks.

Plan for 1 to 3 initial treatments to address the current issue. After resolution, expect to book monthly follow ups for maintenance.

Aches & Pains can be the result of acute injury or chronic issues that have not completely resolved. The tools of Acupuncture, Cupping, GuaSha, TuiNa-Massage are effective ways to expedite healing and mitigate stubborn issues. Herbal Teas and Topical Liniments are often added on a case by case basis. The good thing about this approach is that there is usually little to no side effect as these methods work to stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanisms.

Acute Issues: Plan to book 1 to 3 initial treatments for great results. Chronic Issues: Plan to book 1 to 5 initial treatments for good results. Ongoing Maintenance: Depending on individual conditions, expect to book subsequent maintenance visits between 2 and 5 weeks as needed.

Anger & Frustration are common emotions that are ideally processed with time and appropriate exercise, however if you experience symptoms such as headaches on the sides or top of head, teeth grinding at night, irritable bowel syndrome, or for women particularly, menstrual cramping and painful periods, you can likely benefit from Acupuncture, TuiNa-Massage, and/or TCM Herbal Tea prescription (case by case basis).

Plan for 1 to 3 initial treatments to address the current issue. After resolution, expect to book monthly follow ups for maintenance.

Depression or Low Energy can be the result of a number of factors from chronic stress and emotional suppression, to nutritional imbalances, to constitutional predisposition, to name a few causes. The result can leave people struggling to thrive, let alone fit into the flow of daily life. Acupuncture and TCM Herbal Teas can do wonders to relieve the feelings and sensations associated with depression or low energy. These tools can be trialed as stand alone treatments, or in combination with professional counselling.

Plan for 3 to 5 initial treatments to establish a foundation for greater energy. Regular follow ups on a weekly basis can eventually decrease to monthly follow ups as progress is made.

Anxiety & Overthinking are common symptoms experienced by many people in today’s world of excessive information, stimulation, and over-abundance of choices. Should I buy from amazon or my local neighbour? Should I go electric or stick with oil and gas? Is my existence causing the destruction of the planet? While our ancestors struggled with not having enough, we struggle with having more than enough to know what to do with it all. This constant need to make decisions and account for all potential factors can become a burden on the mind and the heart. Acupuncture, TuiNa-Massage, and/or TCM Herbal Teas are powerful tools that can be used to de-stimulate the mind and body and help the nervous system relax.

Plan for 3 to 5 initial treatments to establish a break in old patterns. Regular follow ups on a weekly basis can eventually decrease to monthly follow ups as stability of mind and body is achieved.

Digestion & Bowel Issues can cause mild to severe disturbances in our daily life, and they are not necessary to tolerate on an ongoing basis. If you have acid reflux, a poor appetite, numerous food sensitivities, frequent constipation or loose stools, or nausea, please book an initial visit sooner than later. Acupuncture, TCM Nutrition Guidance and Herbal Teas can be used to transform your life, or at least lessen the frequency and intensity of digestion related symptoms.

Acute Issues: Plan to book 1 to 3 initial treatments for great results. Chronic Issues: Plan to book 1 to 5 initial treatments for good results. Ongoing Maintenance: Depending on individual conditions, expect to book ongoing maintenance visits between 2 and 5 weeks as needed until symptoms have resolved completely.

Sleep Disturbances can range from (a) difficulty falling asleep, (b) waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to return to sleep, (c) not feeling recharged after a long night’s sleep, (d) terrible nightmares, or (e) outright insomnia. While sleeping pills or melatonin have their usefulness, Acupuncture and TCM Herbal Medicine can be used to address the underlying causes for the sleep disturbance. This potential for successful treatment means that prolonged medication use may be minimized, and you can get proper quality and quantity of sleep, as per our natural design.

Acute Issues: Plan to book 1 to 3 initial treatments for noticeable results. Chronic Issues: Plan to book 1 to 5 initial treatments for noticeable results. Ongoing Maintenance: Depending on individual conditions, expect to book ongoing maintenance visits as symptoms may fluctuate according to lifestyle.

We also treat other physical, mental, and emotional issues such as:

  • headaches

  • cold limbs

  • muscle cramping

  • stroke recovery

  • frequent cough & flu

  • indecision

  • lack of motivation

  • feeling overwhelmed

  • seasonal allergies

  • plantar fasciitis

“The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music. It is needful to have the instrument in good order.”

土马 Services

Acupuncture, TuiNa-Massage & Herbal Services provided by Neil Anderson, R.TCMP, NASM-CPT

Following a comprehensive assessment, a plan is established according to the principles of TCM, followed by an in clinic treatment that may involve acupuncture, cupping, and acupressure-massage, as well as herbal prescriptions when appropriate*.

  • acute or single issues should show signs of improvement within 1 to 3 visits.

  • chronic or multiple condition(s) should show signs of improvement within 1 to 5 visits.

60 minutes = $110

30 minutes = $55 60 minutes = $110

After your Initial Treatment, follow up visits may be recommended to ensure positive momentum and/or address possible symptom recurrence.

  • 30 minute sessions are booked when there are no major changes and things are going as expected.

  • 60 minute sessions are booked when more attention or rest is required and/or a significant change has taken place.

60 minutes = $110

Relaxation & Recovery Sessions are for those who are generally healthy and want assistance with circulation promotion and stress decompression; they may include Massage, Cupping, and/or Acupuncture, depending on your request.

**This is a "stand alone session," and can be booked to complement the course of treatment for an acute or chronic issue, though is intended for those who just want a bit of R&R.

**Herbal Prescriptions** have an additional fee and are made on a case by case basis depending on the condition(s) being treated.

Neil uses his nursing experience as a foundation to apply the proactive strategies and skills of Traditional Chinese Medicine, helping anybody from teenager to aged senior engage the innate healing mechanisms of our physical & mental being, enhancing the capacity to cope with the practical challenges of life while promoting a healthy relationship with nature’s cycles and seasons.

Career Character Snapshot:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (2012 to Current)

  • NASM-Certified Personal Trainer (Current)

  • Nursing: Neuro/Ortho/Gastro/ER/OR/ICU/Mental+ (2002 to 2022)

  • MachineShop Moldmaker Certified (1998 to 2003)

Personal Interests:

  • Climbing, Swimming, Sauna + Cold Plunging, Hiking, Trail Running.

  • QiGong, Yoga, Biking, Beach + Volleyball.

  • Studying Eastern and Western philosophies, Natural Law, Eternal Truth…

  • Learning to garden, play stringed instruments, and express perspective through writing.

  • Dancing with life and surfing its waves while respecting truth, liberty, and my own pursuit of happiness.

Why Choose Traditional Oriental Medicine?

  • It works with your innate healing mechanisms by stimulating dormant or weak micro systems in your body. This process may take more time, but the “muscle memory” that develops has lasting effect once it’s been re-established.

  • It views the mind and body as a whole; with thousands of years of pattern recognition, the strength of this medicine is that it works to harmonize all systems within the body.

  • It is an incredible stand alone approach, and a potent adjunct used to bolster the effects of other healthcare modalities. Acupuncture & Herbals often do well at reducing side effects of pharmaceuticals.

  • While some people are averse to needles, acupuncture is far less invasive than surgery. Yes, a prick may be less-than-desirable, and some herbs may taste bad, but these are mild inconveniences compared to having an organ or limb removed.

  • Acupuncture is fairly subtle….think “tortoise and the hare,” it is best approached with a “slow and steady” mentality. Ideally it is used to deal with “small problems” before they become “big problems.”

  • While a foolish carpenter would argue that a hammer is better than a screwdriver, a reasonable healthcare provider knows that timing and function play a role, and so “western medicine” has its time and place, and “eastern medicine” does as well. When these two mindsets work together, the best possible outcome is achievable.

  • TCM recognizes that while many people are similar, not one human being is the same as another, and therefore, my treatments are tailored to YOU and your current situation.

  • The final reason, your practitioner (Neil Anderson, R.TCMP) has a lot of insight from his 20+ years of nursing, and is passionate to help those who are actively involved in their life journey, from teen-ager to aged-senior.

No body is exactly the same, every body is unique; Oriental Medicine Treatments work with your innate healing mechanisms to honour this truth.