The Society of Self Awareness


Introductory mind & body practices for those who seek to Know Thyself.

In the 1980’s self defence classes became popular for people to learn how to fend an attack from a mugger or a bully. Times have changed, and physical attacks in a dark alley are not as common as mind manipulation and persuasion is today. In the 2020s, it is imperative we exercise our spiritual senses and flex our free-will-power in order to deflect the words, symbols, and temptations that bombard us in the physical world and the digital world. In the age of information, we must be able to identify “a dangerous dark alley” of the mental plane, especially when it is painted with “gang signs” that proclaim “it’s for your safety.”

Self Defence for the Mind

Since the 1960’s, while the hippy revolution of music and self exploration were exploding out of a “Leave it to Beaver” world, the institutions that direct the pace of taxpayer society steered us into a superficial utilitarian mindset, ultimately creating an imbalance between humanity and the natural world. Priorities shifted from “love thy neighbour” to “do what must be done for the sake of efficiency according to economics.” This put the value of money above all else when it comes to operating on a daily basis.

On occasion most humans experience certain major life events and minor moments that remind us there is more to life than economics, yet those “wake up calls” don’t often have a lasting impact. Our day to day responsibilities oftentimes drown out the power of inspirational moments, we lose an opportunity to connect some significant dots, and we slip back into a hypnotic slumber, working to the rhythms of the Monday to Friday cult(ure), but what drives these rhythms?

Relationship Cultivation for the Soul

The trickiest part of life in today’s world is detecting when our emotions are being manipulated to our own detriment, by inner & outer factors. Emotional manipulation is a technique used by selfish people who appear to care, but this caring appearance is actually masking their desire to take what they want through deception rather than honesty & earnestness. So what drives the rhythm of the Monday to Friday cult(ure)? The interchange between good and evil is at the root of all interactions between the corrupted, the incorruptible, and those caught in between.

The easiest emotions to manufacture and manipulate are fear & guilt. When we are ignorant of our inner power, we either make innocent mistakes or become outright victims of deception & manipulation. Innocent mistakes or manipulation do not occur when there is a sufficient level of attention and awareness; but innocent mistakes and manipulation can occur when awareness is insufficient in relation to the degree that ignorance is present.

There are two forms of ignorance, the first is nescience, which is “not knowing that you don’t know.” Nescience is forgivable for children, but less so for idiots who refuse to learn. The other form of ignorance is IGNORance, which is a willful act of not paying attention to Objective Truth. Ignorance is the cause of all suffering in the world. Suffering will not cease until individual and mass awareness is achieved. A physically matured wo/man who plays in the Monday to Friday cult(ure) while pretending corruption is acceptable is walking the path of the idiot and the coward. Attention, awareness, and effort are needed to see the world as it actually is, and then courage is required to truly “do the right thing.”

This website offers introductory theory and practices to help individuals who have a sense that “something isn’t quite right,” either with the ways of the world, and/or within their own self.

SoSA is an avenue to help individuals cultivate awareness, inner strength, and wise discernment.

Future generations don’t deserve to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. It is our own responsibility to share the strengths of our ancestors, and to correct the faults as well.

This site is presented with hope and in good conscience.

Why is Mental KungFu an Essential Skill in the Modern Era?

Your perception of reality is a reflection in your mind, influenced by your beliefs, feelings, and experiences. For better or worse, your perception is impacted by the world around you.

What can happen if we aren’t proficient in Mental KungFu?

Knowing “the why of our actions” is crucial, because if we know, we are then capable of determining our life experience, within reason; But if we do not know what truly motivates our actions, in the worst case, we can be manipulated, used, and possibly abused, and in the best case, we may simply waste unforeseeable opportunity to create wholeheartedly.

Introspection. Insight. Self Discovery.

A resource page to introduce foundational concepts on mind, body, and spirit, to nourish self-worth, self-respect and self-confidence.

Know Thyself.

Foundational Theory

Mind & body health is a priority for many people nowadays. With all of the knowledge unveiled by neuroscientists about the brain and related biochemistry, much progress has been made in exercise theory and pharmaceutical intervention. Another angle that would benefit society is to incorporate the knowledge available in the teachings of Taoism. While the brain, organs, and tissues of the physical body act as a vehicle, it is a mistake to believe that the totality of one’s true self is restricted to the body alone. It is important to keep in mind the concept of energy as vibration that takes shape in space and unfolds in time; consciousness is awareness, and the mind, when able to focus and concentrate, can direct abundant conscious energy. The Theory of the Five Elements is an entryway to the taoist understanding of consciousness & cosmology, and it is a game changer for anybody who seeks to be their best self, where mind & body are in harmony as we walk our own unique life paths.
One of the strongest applications of Five Element Theory is to gain understanding on how the seasons & emotions affect our organ function throughout the many stages of our growth & development as human beings. By working with the elemental forces of nature, and the energies of our organs, we can cultivate a lifestyle that enhances the efficient function of our mind & body system.

Each individual has a tendency to be dominated by the intellect, the emotions, or base physical impulses. Each of these “brains,” or “information processing centres” has its relevant use, but if imbalanced, can lead to habits and norms that do not serve our growth and development throughout life.

By cultivating these three information processing centres in a harmonious manner, we naturally increase our self-knowledge, facilitating wise decision making and willful action that reflect a deep understanding of our core values. This leads to a richer life, filled with meaning and purpose, and a strong ability to surf the ups and downs we are destined to face.

Foundational Practice

Physical Fitness If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.

“Qi” translates to “life energy.” “Gong” translates to “cultivation or work.” “QiGong” is a system of energy cultivation; when practiced dynamically, it focuses on coordinating movement and breathing, and when practiced statically, it focuses on the enhancement of the nervous system. QiGong is practiced in order to harmonize the body and mind and strengthen the bones, tendons, blood vessels, muscles and skin. With its roots in ancient Asia, it is a powerful system to enhance quality of life and promote longevity.

Strength & Conditioning is a broad term, and is used here to refer to exercise that promotes functional mobility inspired by kung-fu drills, rock-climbing, trail-running, swimming, and hot & cold plunging.

Mental & Emotional Fitness If you don’t go within, you go without.

While the attainment of knowledge through education and societal interactions is an important aspect of personal development, this exposure to information, in addition to the noise and stress of daily life, need to be digested properly, otherwise, we waste too much energy and valuable time. As biological organisms, and not solely soulless machines with social insurance numbers, we need to take a break from logic, reason, and consumption of information.

Learn and establish a practice to bridge the gap between the energetic and physical by attentively engaging with sound and vibration. Through the generation of seed sounds in a practice of vocalization meditation, we stimulate the endocrine glands and organs to facilitate overall health and cultivate inner peace, thereby helping us effectively process and adapt to the small and big events of our life.

Spiritual Fitness Desire is the root of suffering; Conquer it by cultivating willpower.

“….the first in a course that will be ongoing, about how do we defend ourselves from the various challenges, obstacles, and attacks that we might face as we engage more seriously in our spiritual work….”

“….we have to realize that all of us on this path are trapped between the two realms. We have a bit of our consciousness which is free, which is longing for the divine, which is virtuous, with many beautiful spiritual qualities, and we also have a large percentage of our consciousness that is trapped in infernal psychological states…..”

“….many of us in many points in our lives have used black magic. We have used our mind and our cleverness in order to try to manipulate or harm others, but at the same time we have also tried to get others to lust after us or to be envious of us, to make others feel that we are better than them. These are all forms of black magic…..”

“….Our goal on the white path of initiation is to enter into the higher levels of consciousness, to enter into the divine and heavenly realms, and it is important to know that black magicians, as much power as they may have in the lower realms, do not have power in the higher realms….”

Our Services

No Charge

On this site, you will find entry level practices for body, mind, and spirit. These practices are reasonably simple and serve to anchor your body and mind, to centre yourself and cultivate energy.

Successful practice leads to the balancing of the two hemispheres of your brain with your heart, so you can live an inspired life in a sometimes monotonous and shallow society. If you don’t go within, you go without.

The Kingdom of Heaven is inside you. Love your neighbour.

$150 (90 minutes)

Book this if you are somebody who:

  • has an interest in the health & fitness of mind, body, and spirit.

  • appreciates the philosophies on this page.

  • has a tough time with mundane life and superficial chatter.

  • is looking for inspiration, motivation, or a push to make changes in your life.

Right action is the high road to confidence and esteem.

$110 (60 minutes)

Book this if you have been studying or training the theories and practices on this site, and you are looking for a holistic approach to any physical, mental, or emotional symptoms you are experiencing.

Neil Anderson, R. TCMP has 20+ years of nursing experience, and is actively practicing Acupuncture, Herbs, Cupping & Massage in North Vancouver, BC.

Pain and low energy are not normal, they are messages that call for change.

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On the corresponding image, in the background, you can see the gold, representing the Heavenly Yang, and the silver, representing the Earthly Yin. These two energies of Yin & Yang are constantly dependant on each other, and transform into each other, like day & night, or the marriage of man & woman….two different aspects of the same thing.

The triangle depicts the number three, and represents such things as:

  • body, mind, and spirit.

  • proper nutrition, appropriate exercise, and effective stress management.

  • the holy trinity

The green line represents the ideal state of functioning in life, via true independence and self actualization.

The yellow line represents the times when we need a little bit of help from a teacher, doctor, or trusted friend, to help us get back into the green zone of independence.

The red line represents the times when we are bordering on loss of independence and need a lot of help. It’s these times when, even when our body may be ready to give up, our spirit can be quickened.

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