The principles of Yin and Yang are fundamental to Balance and Health.

A consistent physical practice is a prerequisite to Mental+Emotional practices, such as meditation and vocalization.

Since our capacity for awareness is dependant on the health of our physical organs and tissues, Physical Fitness is considered to be of primary importance. When approaching physical fitness, one can typically go two ways in a spiritual sense. With a material world mindset, success in physical fitness can lead to the enhancement of the ego at the expense of the spirit; this is a short sighted “victory” that further endorses ignorance of truth. If your goal is to be “successful” with regards to accumulating “wealth and power,” at the expense of your own essential divine spirit, then this site is not for you.

When approached in a proper manner, physical fitness is defined as the unification of the body, mind, and spirit. If these three facets are not unified, then one may appear to look fit & healthy on the surface, yet never attain true integrity. The purpose of physical training, according to this philosophy, is to ultimately enhance our capacity to do good work for ourselves and humanity. The good work that needs to be done is to first “know thyself,” and second, to “love thy neighbour.” By being fit in mind & body, we can be confident rather than arrogant, courageous rather than cowardly, and we can step into our true power in order to first, not allow the corruption of humanity to continue, and second, to do the work required to secure a better life for future generations.

Physical Fitness

What is “a better life?”

Basically, it’s where ignorance, fear & selfishness is conquered, and where strangers can respect, trust & love each other. This is impossible if you believe it is impossible, and it is possible if you believe it is possible; Awareness requires attention. Love requires action. When accurate attention and loving acts are committed, we move towards heaven on earth. When laziness and apathy are exercised, we move towards hell. While there is room for rest & relaxation, there is no room for laziness or apathy.

Discipline, Courage, and Care are essential from moment to moment. In today’s world of accurate vs inaccurate information, Wise Discernment is needed, and this is only possible if you cultivate a sufficient degree of awareness.

Yang Exercises

  1. Emphasis is placed on exertion.

  2. Qualities trained include: discipline, strength, power, endurance, resilience, fortitude, and courage.

  • Qi Gong (hard style) & Yoga

  • Kung Fu + Strength & Conditioning Drills

  • Rock-Climbing

  • Swimming

  • Trail Running

  • Hot & Cold Plunging

Yin Exercises

  1. Emphasis is placed on relaxation & recovery.

  2. Qualities trained include: receptivity, nourishment, compassion, regeneration, and healing.

  • Qi Gong (soft style) & “Yin” Yoga

  • Stretching + Massage & Acupuncture

  • Breath Work

  • Mindful Walking + Hiking

  • Herbal Baths + Foot Soaking

  • InfraRed Sauna

“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”

In today’s world, there is an abundance of teachers from a variety of philosophies and modalities. What is important is that you find what is most suitable to enrich your overall personal development. Cultivation of body, mind, and spirit is a serious endeavour that requires dedication. Please dedicate enough of your day towards physical fitness. Find teachers and instructors online or locally to help you grow, develop, and maintain a sufficient level of physical fitness….eventually, you can develop a system that works for you.

- Bruce Lee

Physical fitness is important, because we inhabit our bodies from birth to death. Physical fitness is not the end however; we need to exercise our Mental Capacity to cope with emotions and stress as well.